maastrict treaty造句

"maastrict treaty"是什么意思   


  1. But all our European partners will be able to do is apply the Maastrict Treaty guidelines,
  2. Both Kohl and Chirac reaffirmed their intention to meet the Maastrict Treaty criteria on European Monetary Union.
  3. The Maastrict Treaty obtained those elements that the British government wanted, in no small part due to him.
  4. He also told the newsmagazine that Maastrict Treaty must be followed " in word and spirit ."
  5. He opposed the EU's Maastrict Treaty, believing that it resulted in increased German hegemony in Europe.
  6. It's difficult to find maastrict treaty in a sentence. 用maastrict treaty造句挺难的
  7. I believe that the decision for starting the euro in accordance with the Maastrict Treaty will be stopped by no one,
  8. Wolfgang Schaeuble said in this week's Der Spiegel newsmagazine that the criteria laid out in the Maastrict Treaty must be followed " in word and spirit ."
  9. European Union leaders began the opening session of the Inter-Governmental conference to review the Maastrict treaty, with the crisis over " mad cow " disease threatening to overshadow proceedings.
  10. Italy will be able to lower its deficit to 3.3 percent of gross domestic product _ short of the 3 percent figure required by Europe's Maastrict Treaty, Prodi was quoted as saying.
  11. Bundesbank chief economist Otmar Issing said some single-currency candidates will have to make " drastic cuts " in spending in order to get their deficits below the ceilings set out in the Maastrict treaty.
  12. A common currency, agreed to by Europe's leaders in the 1992 Maastrict Treaty, was seen as a way to unite Europe into a forceful economic bloc to compete in today's global economy.
  13. The Aznar government has pledged to bring Spain's overall public deficit down to 4.4 percent of GDP, from 5.8 percent in 1995, in line with the European Union's Maastrict treaty requirements to qualify for a single currency.
  14. Prosperity has made Ireland one of only three European Union members that currently qualifies for monetary union under terms of the Maastrict treaty on European economic and monetary union, which requires nations to meet goals for government deficits, public debt, interest rates and currency stability.
  15. The leaders called on European leaders to redouble their efforts to meet the monetary goals set out in the Maastrict Treaty to forge a single European currency-- the first reference ever to the future currency in a G-7 communique-- and to maintain, together, financial stability worldwide.
  16. But the government, eager to reassure its European partners that Italy will maintain its new-found discipline, also said it would get the debt down to 100 percent of GDP by 2003 and to the limit of 60 percent by 2016, the level required by the Maastrict Treaty creating a single currency.


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